
What to Know About Strawberry Season to Get the Sweetest Fruit

What to Know About Strawberry Season to Get the Sweetest Fruit

When is strawberry season? It may seem like year-round since they’re always available in grocery stores. But not all strawberries are alike and may even taste better at certain times of the year. Knowing when strawberry season is in your region will help you enjoy the most flavorful fruit. And growing or picking your own strawberries ensures you’ll get the freshest, sweetest harvest. So, here’s how to know when strawberries grown near you are in season, how long strawberry season is, and tips for picking, storing, and enjoying your strawberries.

When Strawberry Season is At Its Peak

It’s a common scenario: You’re eager to make your favorite strawberry dessert, so you carefully select the most beautiful strawberries that you can find at the store, but when you actually bring them home and take a bite of them, you’re left wondering, “why aren’t strawberries sweet anymore?” We’ve all been there.

Dr. Marvin P. Pritts, a Cornell University horticulture professor, explains why this is common. “When strawberries are shipped long distances, say from California to New York in March, they have to be harvested a little under-ripe so they will withstand the 3,000-mile trip. That’s why they may not taste as good as a berry harvested locally in June that is fully ripe,” he says.

So, how can you ensure the next strawberry you bite into has an irresistible, sweet flavor? The answer is simple: Know when strawberry season is near you so you can get fresh, flavorful produce.

When Is Strawberry Season?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently stated in a report, "From all locations, strawberry supplies in the United States typically begin to rise in the spring." This makes sense, considering National Pick Strawberries Day is May 20.

"Generally, strawberries are considered to be a 'spring' crop," says Pritts, "but new varieties now allow production to be extended throughout the summer and into the fall—even in northern climates."

"Strawberries are in season from mid-May to early July in the eastern and midwestern northern states," says Dr. Gail Nonnecke, a horticulture professor at Iowa State University and member of The North American Strawberry Growers Association. Winter production occurs in the southern states, such as Florida, from late November through early April. In North Carolina, strawberry season typically is in mid- to late April through early June," she adds.

According to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report, about 90 percent of strawberries in the United States are grown in California. "California harvests from March through August, with some fruit available year around depending on location," says Pritts. "California is a big state, so they are able to target certain months for production by altering varieties and planting dates."

How to Get the Sweetest Strawberries

Grow Your Own Strawberries

One way to ensure you’ll have the sweetest, freshest strawberries is to grow your own. “Strawberries are adapted to many climates, relatively easy to grow, and have one of the first fruits of the growing season,” says Nonnecke. “Plus, they’re such a bright spot in a garden after a winter!”

Different types of strawberries offer fruit throughout strawberry season. Some fruit only in the spring (“Junebearing” or short-day cultivars) and other varieties can bear fruit in the summer and fall months (day-neutral types). To grow your own strawberries, the plants will need full sun and well-drained soil that has plenty of organic matter. Strawberries also grow well in containers.

Buy Your Strawberries Locally or at a Pick-Your-Own Orchard

Berries from a local orchard are usually picked daily during strawberry season to ensure they always have the freshest products possible. “We always say that fruit tastes better straight from the source,” says Amanda Morgan from Eckert’s Inc., the largest family-owned and operated pick-your-own orchard in the United States. “We believe our strawberries are much better than berries that you buy in the store because they are picked that day. They are super fresh, and you know they haven’t been sitting on a truck or in storage. Even when you buy strawberries from our market, our crew picked the berries that morning.”

When to Pick Strawberries

You’ll know when strawberries are ripe to pick when they’re uniformly red and firm. Morgan says, “It’s best to look for bright red strawberries with their green cap (botanically called a calyx) still in place. The fruit should have a noticeable strawberry scent, a medium firmness, and no mold. If the strawberries are too hard and partly white, that is an indication they are not yet ripe. If they’re soft, it means they are overly ripe.”

Tips for Picking the Sweetest Strawberries

To harvest strawberries, grasp the stem just above the berry and pinch off the stem about ¼ inch above the calyx. Keep the cap on each berry and wait to wash the strawberries until just before you want to eat them to retain the fruit’s firmness and quality. Nonnecke adds, “Berries should be harvested daily in warm temperatures and every two days in cooler weather.” To help berries last longer in warm weather, Pritts says to “harvest berries in the morning when they are coolest and put them directly in the refrigerator.”

How to Store Strawberries in the Fridge

According to the FoodKeeper App developed by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Cornell University, and the Food Marketing Institute, strawberries should be consumed within 2 to 3 days if refrigerated from the date of purchase or within 8 to 12 months if frozen from the date of purchase.

If you’re unable to eat your strawberries fresh before they’ll go bad, put them to use in a berry-filled dessert such as strawberry shortcakes or strawberry jam.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you grow strawberries from seed?

    Yes, you can grow strawberries from seed. They'll be smaller than most strawberries but also have a wonderful, strong fragrance. Most strawberries grown from seed are alpine strawberries.

  • How many types of strawberries are there?

    The Germplasm Resources Information Network (part of the United States Department of Agriculture) lists 103 distinct species and subspecies of strawberry plants.

  • Are strawberries a good source of nutrients?

    Strawberries are not only delicious but great for you. One cup of strawberries has just 45 calories, with 3 grams of dietary fiber (12 percent of your daily value) and more vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, than an orange. Strawberries are also naturally low in sugar, with only 7 grams of natural sugar per 1-cup serving.

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  1. U.S. fresh strawberry production expands with newer varieties. USDA Economic Research Service.
